-newsletter V.4 #2
Historical Society of Clinton, Michigan
P.O. Box 647, Clinton, MI 49236
June 10, 2014
June 24m 2014 6 p.m. ANNUAL PICNIC AT THE SMITH KIMBALL COMMUNITY CENTER. Bring a dish to pass and your own dishes. Ice Tea and Lemonade provided.
July 26- Trip to Belle Isle: Aquarium & Dossin Ship Museum. Meet at the Community Center at 9 am to Car Pool. Kathy Snow is the contact and planner for this event. Let her know if you plan to come, 734-660-4174.
August 8-10- US 12 GARAGE SALE… It’s never too early to start collecting. We will need people to sign up to help set up on Thursday and sell on Friday & Saturday. Call Norleen at 517-442-8385. If you plan to have a sale call Mary Houghton by Aug. 1, at 456-4074 and you will be on the Clinton Area Map.
Sept 26 & 27th Sale and Exhibit at Smith-Kimball during FALL FESTIVAL 10-4. If you can volunteer to man our table a couple of hours, please call Sharon at 456-7198.
CLINTON MUGS & T-SHIRTS FOR SALE- We have Clinton Mugs for Sale for $5. Ask a member. T-Shirts are at Floyd’s Wood Carving & Antique Store. They are priced from $10-$17. Thanks to local merchants for helping the Society.
CLINTON LOCAL AVAILABLE DIGITALLY- The Friends of the Library & the Historical Society have made the Clinton Local 1940-1960 available at the Library, digitally. You can search for your topic through this whole decade. The Friends of the Library have supported this lastest digitization. We are so grateful.
CHRISTMAS HOUSE TOUR, Dec. 6, 5-8 pm. Planning for 2014 Walk is underway, with 3 houses, the Episcopal Church & the Smith Kimball Community Center. The walk through for volunteers will be Dec. 2nd at 6pm., beginning with food at the Community Center. If you’d like to help see Norleen.
ARCHIVES- We have finished organizing the 1970 clippings from the Clinton Local. Next is organizing news clippings from the 2000s so that they can be filed. We work 2:30-4:30 and can still use help. We will next meet on Monday June 23rd, & July 28. A new venture will be cataloging our book collection. Cynthia Given has agreed to start this project. Archives are open for research on most Fridays, 3-5pm. Check the web-site for the schedule.
We received a large antique Pharmacy Bottle from Michael & Patti Butzsky and books on the underground Railway in Lenawee County from Pat Sturk. Donations of area historical items are always welcome.
NEW BOARD MEMBER- STACIE WATERS- Stacie was elected Secretary at the April Annual Meeting. Stacie and her family live on Brown Street and she is an ER nurse at Mott Children’s Hospital.