132 W. Michigan Ave.- Bult 1872
This Italianate building, in Clinton’s buisiness district, was built by Alonzo Clark along with the building to the east. By 1880 Freese and Son, who sold dry goods, owned both stores. The Clinton Woolen Mill purchased both store buildings and In 1919 the Clinton Woolen Mill Textlle Club used the 2nd floor for a kitchen and dining room and the first floor was a free public library and reading room. The west store was converted to a theatre around 1937. In 1943 there was a major remodeling, moving the ticket office and facade out. Carrie Dorsten and Frank Cianciolo updated the facade with the help of a DDA grant in 2011.
310 Tecumseh Rd.-Built in 1865
This Italianate stye home was builit by Charles Chandler. The year 1886 is imprinted on the house’s fondation; however, an 1857 map of Clinton shows a house on this location. In the 1853 tax assessment records this is just listed as a lot (no house.) and valued at $400. In the 1860 Census, Charles Chandler appears to be living on Jackson St., and there ae 13 people in the household. There is then, still a question as to exactly when the house was built. The Chadlers owned the home untl 1882 when John Hause purchased it and then Frank Hause owned it by 1910. James Hogan bought it in 1936. The next owner was Clyde Way, who also had a gas station on the north east corner of the center of town. Robert A. & Jean Buck purchased the home from Clyde’s son John c. 1873. The Bucks owned it until it was purchased by the current owner, Stacy Orlowski, in 2010. The home has may of its original characterists; the kitchen was remodeled in 2010-11.
214 Jackson St.- Buit 1869
This Victorian Style House was built by E.W. Freese who owed the Dry Goods Store downtown. He sold it to his daugher, Fannie F. Whittelsey for $1 in 1895. Then in 1905 it was deeded to Moses Bartlett of Village of Clinton for $2,600. In 1912 Moses Bartlett deeded it to Sarah E. Stevens, his daughter, for $1. In 1955, Grace Kennedy stated that she had lived for more than 35 years in the house and obtaned title to said lands from her mother Sarah Stevens. Donald S. Meyers & Betty J. Meyers puchased the house in 1953. The Meyers added the garage and side porch. Linda Porter bought the property from the Meyers estate in 2004. Ken & Kere Kwilos purchased it in 2011.
611 Jackson Street-Built c. 1876
This 2nd Empire Mansard style home is the only of it’s style in Clinton and R.D. Chase & Pape are listed as the builders. James M. Blanchard is listed as the first owner. Then Zerah T. Starr & Eliza owned it from 1877-1886 and Eliza alone from 1886-1891. The next owner was Minnie Hess until 1893. From 1893-1942, Elbert S. Tate and Alma Tate owned the home. Then the home was purchased by Albert M. Kiebler & Sons. Kiebler & Sons owned a meat market in Clinton. They owned the home untl 1962 when it came it the hands of Theo & Mary Kiebler. The Kiebler Trust owned it until 1997, when it was granted to Joyce Klevering, who cared for Ted Kiebler’s dog. The Kieblers had no children.