e-newsletter V.9 #1
Historical Society of Clinton, Michigan
P.O. Box 647, Clinton, MI 49236
January 16, 2019

Report on our Christmas Home Tour: The tour was a success, as we made over $600 and the home owners were great at welcoming our guests. We owe a big round of thanks to our president, Norleen Hicks, who worked very hard on this tour. Also, thanks to everyone who helped. BRAVO! Next years’ tour will be Dec. 7th.

MARCH 26- 7pm at Clinton Township Public Library – “Three Governors, who have had a strong ties to Lenawee and Washtenaw Counties – Governors Felch, Croswell, and Swainson” presented by Valerie Marvin, Michigan State Capitol Historian & Curator.

April 23 – 7pm Annual Meeting & 7:30 Presentation of Historical Building Markers for 2019.
There is still time if you want to get a marker for your 75 year or older home. Contact Norleen or Sharon or come to the library on Fridays from 3-5 to do research. Annual dues of $10 or $15 are due at this meeting.

May 22- Wednesday, 12 noon- Pioneer Luncheon at United Church of Christ. If you know of any individuals in the Clinton Area or from Clinton, we want to invite them to our Pioneer Luncheon, please contact Mary Houghton with their address at 456-4074. They will be our guests. Society members will help serve and bring salads to compliment the luncheon prepared by the ladies of the UCC. A program on Clinton’s Celebrations (1829-1929) will be presented after lunch.

June 25- 6pm- Annual Picnic. Location is at Don & Mary Houghton’s house at 318 Edward J., Clinton. Bring your own dinner ware and a dish to pass. Beverages provided.

ARCHIVES- Archives are open for research on most Fridays 3-5pm. Check the web-site for the schedule. Help is always appreciated. We still need someone to do the scanning of a 1920’s &30s scrapbook with a camera or phone and someone to manage our obituary files.

MEMBERSHIP- Our Newest members are Fran Boness and Mark Jenkins. WELCOME!

If you order from amazon you can go to amazonsmile.com instead and choose the Historical Society of Clinton as your charity. Your order is processed just the same as if you’re on amazon, but HSC will get a .5% back. This is very easy to do.

Like us on Facebook!
We’ve added a Facebook page to keep people informed of our events and historical tidbits. Little by little it is growing and reaching more and more people! We’d like you to LIKE us and share with your friends and family too! So if you are on Facebook, just go to: https://www.facebook.com/49236HSC and follow us on our newest techie adventure!
ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF CLINTON’S PHOTOS : 1870S-1970S- The HSC Board is currently working on two photo books of Clinton. The first will cover “Buildings & Businesses”. We hope to have it published in May.

(Below is one of the postcards from our Postcard Notebook ; it is a great mixture of horse drawn buggies and horseless carriages in 1912.)

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