e-newsletter v. 14 #1
P.O. Box 647, Clinton, MI 49236
May 28, 2024

MEMBERSHIP DUES- Membership dues were due at the annual meeting or by sending them to : Historical Society of Clinton, P.O. Box. 647, Clinton, MI 49236. They are $10 for an individual and $15 for a couple.
CELEBRATION OF 50Th ANNIVERSAY OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF CLINTON- on May 20st, 12-1pm at the United Church of Christ, Clinton. About 40 people attended our celebration and were served an excellent meal by the UCC women. Thanks also to the members who furnished salads. Guests and past presidents were recognized by president, Norleen Hicks, and Mark Jenkins and Sharon Scott gave a power point presentation on “Putting Clinton on the Map : How our Michigan Village got started.”
HISTORIC SCAVENGER HUNT- June 1, 2024. 12-3pm. ● $10 per person- SHOULD BE FUN- INVITE FRIENDS
● Starts and ends at the Smith Kimball Community Center
● 15 historical exhibits with some local businesses included
● Prizes will be awarded
● Refreshments will be served after the hunt
For more information contact NORLEEN HICKS @ 517-442-8385
ANNUAL PICNIC –Tuesday- June25, 6pm at the Smith Kimball Community Center. Making for sandwiches and drinks will be furnished. Bring a dish to pass and your table service. Guests welcome.
US 12 HERITAGE TRAIL GARAGE SALE, AUGUST 9-11. Historical Society will participate on Friday & Saturday. 9-5. Set up will be Thursday. We need help so be ready to sign up. We also need items to sell including everything but furniture, clothing and large electronics. Call Nikki Hall, who is in charge of the sale at 517-285-6218 to volunteer or find out more information. If you want to donate ahead call Sharon at 517-456-7198.
AUGUST 27- Tentatively we will have a potluck with the “Cook Book Club” at the Clinton Township Public Library; display our cookbook collection- possibly cook some recipes from our cookbooks. Watch for an update.
FALL FESTIVAL- Sept. 27-29- We hope to have a booth and a viewing of newly prepared Clinton High School Graduation Photo Units. This is all tentative at this point.
ARCHIVES UPDATE- Always looking for volunteers! We are at the library most Fridays from 3-5pm. (not May 31 or June 7) Heather Ferman is preparing obits for the obit file. Max Roesch, home from college, is adding to our obit data base until she heads abroad. Sam Hall has been digitizing our slide collections. Nicola Hall is working on filing our numerous articles and updating our HSC scrapbooks. Contact Sharon Scott at 517-456-7198 if you want to help. Our book cataloger, Lenore Binns passed away on May 7th, to our sorrow, and there is still work to be done on cataloging our historic books and regional cookbooks.
US 12 HERITAGE TRAIL GARDEN- Kathy Sposite and Sharon Scott worked on the garden and it is looking good. Last year we were fortunate when Pat Sturk and Kathy donated some new plants for the garden. We could use daisies.