e-newsletter v. 12 #3
P.O. Box 647, Clinton, MI 49236
October 12, 2022
US 12 GARAGE SALE – Thank you to everyone who donated and/or helped with our Garage Sale and for Nicola Hall for being chairperson. We made over $800 and $100 was given to the American Legion, because we are grateful for the use of their building.
CEMETERY WORK – The work to finish restoring the Old East Cemetery continues. We are still in the process of purchasing plaques for 3 unmarked graves.
FALL FESTIVAL BARN PHOTO EXHIBIT– Our exhibit was well received. Our thanks go out to Mark Jenkins for interviewing the owners of the 9 barns we exhibited and researching and writing the text for the photographs taken by George Service. These photos will be on exhibit again during our October 25th program on Barn Preservation
MODEL OF UNION SCHOOL BUILDING- In 1979 at the time of Clinton’s 150th Anniversary, the Historical Society decided to build a model of the Union School that was the school in Clinton for all grades; built in 1859 at the location of the current middle school. This large model was loaned to the Lenawee County Historical Museum and on display there for many years. We brought it back to Clinton and the SKCC Board agreed that they would house the Model on the 2nd floor. This fall it was moved to the SKCC garage as some renovation was done on the 2nd floor. Some damage was sustained and the SKCC Board will pay for the restoration. It will now be located on the 1st floor. This will give it more visibility. Stay tuned for further developments.
Oct. 25, 2022- HISTORIC BARN PRESERVATION- 7pm at Clinton Township Public Library / BY Charles Bultman, architect. Mr. Bultman, Ypsilanti architect, will present information about about the whys and hows of barn preservation. This summer he came out and visited the Crombez Barn on Fisk Rd. and he will include this barn in his talk. Mr. Bultman has been the architect in many barn conversions to homes. He is a member of the Michigan Barn Preservation Network.
Nov. 22, 2022- DYNAMICS OF THE MIDWEST AMERICAN FRONTIER at 7pm at the Clinton Township Library. This program is by James Davis, a member of our Society who lives in Chelsea. He will stress factors that shaped the frontier, changes over time, the impact of technology, and ideas about what constitutes a frontier. Local archival resources will be included. His grandfather was a Dr. Davis who lived and worked in Clinton in the 1910s. Davis was raised in Dearborn and received his Ph. D. at the University of Michigan. He taught at Illinois College from 1971-2011.
Dec. 2, 2-5pm. OUR CHRISTMAS TOUR- Three local houses and Signature Sewing and the Romanian Orthodox Monastery – formerly the Methodist Church- will be on the tour. Tickets will be available at Schmidt & Sons Pharmacy in Clinton.
WEB-SITE– Photos of our Barn Exhibition will be added to our web-site this month and a back-up of our web site will be completed by Austin Pratt.
ARCHIVE- We recently had large donations of material from Jackie Proctor of the Proctor Family which contains many Clinton High School items and donations from Pat Calhoun Zuidema regarding the Calhoun Family which and also genealogical books from the east coast. These are being processed.
We are at the library most Fridays from 3-5pm. Just show up or contact Sharon Scott at 517-456-7198 if you want to help.
AMAZON SMILE-Remember when you shop Amazon to shop Amazon Smile and designate the Historical Society of Clinton and we will get a small but nice percentage of the sale. Thanks!
11691 Hogan Road, Clinton MI (only foundation left)