e-newsletter v. 12 #2


P.O. Box 647, Clinton, MI 49236


June 21, 2022


ANNUAL MEETING REPORT-  At the Annual Meeting officers were elected as follows:  President-Norleen Hicks; Vice President-Jan Wegner; sec- Cynthia Given; Treas.- Mary Houghton; Member at large-George Service; Archivist-Sharon Scott.  A budget for the coming year of $4,930 was approved.  Many dues were paid.  If you still owe, send them to Mary Houghton at address above. They are $10 single, $15 a couple ad $150 for Life Membership.

PICNIC AT TATE PARK -June 28, 6PM – Meat and beverages will be provided.  Bring a dish to pass and your own table setting.  A tree has been purchased and planted at Tate Park in memory of Carol Rone, who was the care taker of the Smith Kimball Community Center for many years.  There will be a short memorial after the supper.

US 12 GARAGE SALE August 12-14 The Historical Society of Clinton will host one at 116 N. Jackson (The American Legion Hall. If you want to donate to the Historical Society’s Sale; donations will be received at the American Legion Hall from 9-2 on Thursday Aug. 11th. Our sale will be on Friday & Saturday, Aug. 12th & 13th.  We still need workers from the 11th-13th Nicky Hall is in charge and If you would like to help call her at 517-456-6685. If you want to donate sooner, call 517-456-7198.  We do not take large items like furniture or electronics. If you want to register your sale on-line or check out the sales go to http://www.us12heritagetrail.org.

CEMETERY WORK – The work to finish restoring the Old East Cemetery continues.  We have purchased a sign for the cemetery and George Service and Karen Faust have installed the sign.  Sometime in the early 20th Century the cemetery was also called Oakmount Cemetery, but we used the name on an old cemetery record and also found in the 19th century it was called the Burying Ground and the Old Cemetery. We are also purchasing plaques for 3 unmarked graves.

WEB-SITE– Recently, Austin Pratt, one of our members, worked on updating our Word Press web-site and this work is continuing.

ARCHIVES– Lenore Binns  is cataloging our big backlog of books that have been donated to the Historical Society over the years.  Recently she is still working on old Clinton textbooks and area cookbooks.  Sam Hall is scanning 1970s negatives from the Clinton Local; work that Linda Reeck began years ago. Nikki Hall and Max Roesch (a Clinton High Senior to be) are making great progress working on the obituary files. We are at the library most Fridays from 3-5pm.  Just show up or contact Sharon Scott at 517-456-7198 if you want to help.

 AMAZON SMILE-Remember when you shop Amazon to shop Amazon Smile and designate the Historical Society of Clinton and we will get a small but nice percentage of the sale.  Thanks!

FALL FESTIVAL EXHIBIT SEPT 23-24TH at SKCC- The exhibit will photos and info on local barns.