e-newsletter v. 12 #1
P.O. Box 647, Clinton, MI 49236
February 15, 2022
THE HISTORY OF CEMENT CITY- MARCH 22,2022 AT THE CLINTON TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY AT 7PM. The program will be presented by Zachary Karnas, current president of the Village of Cement City Council. He will tell us about the village which started in the 1830s with another name and how it came to be Cement City. The public is always invited to our meetings.
ANNUAL MEETING AND BUILDING MARKER AWARDS- APRIL 26, 2022 AT CTPL AT 6:15 for Annual Meeting and Marker Awards at 7PM. At the Annual Meeting officers will be elected and the budget for the coming year approved. Also dues are due of $10 single, $15 a couple ad $150 for Life Membership. The program will be the awarding of Historical Building Markers. Your building must be 75 years or older and be recognized as a historic structure. If you are interested, applications are at the Library Desk. Also contact Norleen Hicks at 517-442-8385 to assist you with the history of the house and its owners.
THE STORY OF BUNNY FABRIQUE- CLINTON MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PLAYER- MAY 24, 2022 Sharon Scott will present a power point program on Clinton’s only Major League Ball player. Also, you can bring old baseball memorabilia to share.
PICNIC AT TATE PARK : 6PM – Meat and beverages will be provided. Bring a dish to pass and your own table setting. A tree has been purchased and planted at Tate Park in memory of Carol Rone, who was the care taker of the Smith Kimball Community Center for many years. There will be a short memorial after the supper.
CEMETERY WORK – The work to finish restoring the Old East Cemetery will continue with fairer weather. We are also looking into purchasing a sign for the cemetery.
WEB-SITE– Recently, Austin Pratt, one of our members, worked on updating our Word Press web-site. More work will be done in the next couple of months. We are very fortunate to have someone up to figuring out how to do this. You can check out our web-site by clicking on the address in the newsletter header.
ARCHIVES– Lenore Binns is cataloging our big backlog of books that have been donated to the Historical Society over the years. Recently she is working on old Clinton textbooks and area cookbooks. Sam Hall is beginning the work of digitizing the audio tapes from various programs we recorded. Nikki Hall and Max Roesch (a Clinton High Junior) are working on the obituary files. We are at the library most Fridays from 3-5pm. Just show up or contact Sharon Scott at 517-456-7198.
AMAZON SMILE-Remember when you shop Amazon to shop Amazon Smile and designate the Historical Society of Clinton and we will get a small but nice percentage of the sale. Thanks!
From Fraley Slide Collection-(digitized) Top is Boy Scout Cabin and bottom 168 W. Michigan- 1980s