e-newsletter v. 13 #1


P.O. Box 647, Clinton, MI 49236


September 13, 2023


FALL FESTIVAL AT SKCC- We will have an exhibit on VILLAGE AND COUNTRY SCHOOLS at the SKCC during Fall Festival Sept. 22nd and 23rd from 10-5pm on Friday and Saturday.   We appreciate the many members who have signed up to be there.  We will be selling our cookbook and other history books. There will also be a tray of photographs that are duplicates or unidentified available for a donation.

HISTORY OF CLINTON SCHOOLS- OCTOBER 24th, 7PM AT Clinton Township  Public Library.  We are revisiting this topic as many were not able to attend.  There will be some updates. Norleen Hicks, George Service, Karen Faust and Mary Houghton are working on this presentation.   George and Karenhave worked  on the country schools and have prepared  images for display.  Norleen has worked on basic history of Village schools and Mary Houghton will do the presentation.

LEGACY  LAND CONSERVANCY- NOVEMBER 28TH– 7PM at the Clinton Township Public Library.  A speaker from Legacy Land Conservancy will speak ont protecting and preserving land in Southern Michigan.  We are especially interested in local farm land and how it can be kept agricultural.

5TH ANNUAL HISTORIC SPIRIT WALK- Sat. October 28 * 6-9pm * $35;  Smith Kimball Community Center;  211 Tecumseh Rd, Clinton; Tickets on sale October 14; Call Mary Houghton:  517-456-4074; Learn the haunted history on this guided walking tour featuring four homes and The Old East Cemetery.        Info:  Facebook.com/49236HSC.  Tickets go quickly and there is only one tour of 40 people, so call early.

CHRISTMAS IN THE VILLAGE – OUR HOUSE TOUR ON Dec. 2nd from 2-4pm. More information to follow.

SCHOLARSHIP FOR HIGH SCHOOL SENOIR –  ESSAY WRITING COMPETITION  ON CLINTON HISTORY- Our $500 Scholarship winner this year was Emma Fair, writing on “The Founding of Clinton”.  Pat Sturk made the presentation at Honors night. We also want to thank those individuals who donated to support this scholarship.

OLD EAST CEMETERY WORK- Work is complete on this Cemetery.  Three new markers were placed on graves that had had no markers.  A new/old sign was repaired and also placed in the cemetery.  George Service and Karen Faust have worked hard to accomplish this effort to restore the Old East Cemetery. When will we start work on Riverside Cemetery? ? Stay tuned.

HEAD SHOT PRESENTATION BY AUTHOR CLIF EDWARDS–   Around fifty people attended this presentation and it was extremely interesting.  Thanks to Clif Edwards for including Clinton on his tour and the UCC Church for hosting us.

US 12 GARAGE SALE –August 11-th -13th. Thanks to your generosity and others not in the HSC, we made over $800.  We are thankful for the many volunteers who got this job done.  Nikki Hall was in charge and did a great job.

WEB-SITE– Austin Pratt and Sharon Scott have been working with DreamHost our host and server to update our web- sites software.  This has been a challenge.


We are at the library most Fridays from 3-5pm.  Just show up or contact Sharon Scott at 517-456-7198 if you want to help.  Sam Hall has been transferring our audio tapes to digital.  Max Roesch and Nicola Hall did work to update our card obituary files so they would be updated.  They  are ready to be put into a database that might eventually be uploaded on our web-site.


Below is a sample of the database that Max Roesch, student volunteer, set up and began to load.  Corrine Schwartz will be continuing her work as Max is off to Western Michigan.  We sure appreciated her work in the Archives these last two years.